HAAG Certified Residential Roof Inspector

The Leading Experts In Residential Roof Damage Assessment
Keith Carothers, owner of Premier Roofing is Haag certified and a graduate of the Haag Engineering's education program as a residential roof damage assessment professional. Through Haag's industry-changing certification program related to residential roofs, Keith Carothers has the experience and certification to assess and document any kind of residential roof damage.

Inspectors License
# 201805303

The Haag Certified Inspector - Residential Roofs program is designed to make me highly proficient with all major types of residential roofs. I learned how hail and wind interact with roofing, inspection safety techniques, roof area calculations, and applicable codes. I also gained comprehensive understanding of manufacture, installation, weathering, hail damage, wind damage, maintenance, mechanical damage, and repair costs for each major roofing type — composition, wood shingle/shake, concrete and clay tile, asbestos, fiber cement, and various synthetic, slate, and metal roofing types.
About My Certification
In the roofing and insurance industries, the phrase "Haag Certified" carries a lot of weight. It indicates that the certified inspector can effectively and efficiently inspect and assess all kinds of roof damage. Our report conclusions have a deeper level of credibility: Our Certification training serves as the extra authority needed if we ever find ourselves at odds with another's findings. Ultimately, with the damage assessment techniques gained in the Haag engineering course, we have increased our value as an inspector to each and every one of our clients. Hiring a certified roof inspector could mean all the difference when other inspectors lack the skills and knowledge that we have gained by passing the courses developed and taught by practicing forensic engineers. If you're buying or selling a home, in contract litigation or dispute, or a mortgage or real estate company needing a professional, detailed inspection report by a certified Residential Roof Inspector, then Premier Roofing, LLC is the best choice for you.
Certification History
Haag Engineering
certification school
Haag offers intensive three-day courses covering Commercial Roofs, Residential Roofs, and Wind Damage. Designed for the intermediate-level professional, our courses combine damage assessment training with comprehensive testing to ensure proficiency.
Haag Engineering
annual certification
When contractors pass, they are now a HAAG Certified Inspector and must retake the test every year to prove that they maintained their knowledge.
Haag Engineering
5 year re-certification
The 5-year renewal course requires approximately 8 hours to complete and is composed of 22 modules, each created and taught by Haag’s expert engineers and focusing on the most important aspects of the Haag Certified Inspector-Residential Roofs program.
Haag Engineering
annual certification
When contractors pass, they are now a HAAG Certified Inspector and must retake the test every year to prove that they maintained their knowledge.
